Berta Viader sent us this email last week!

How are you?
I just got a message from Zacchaeus, the school director of Stepping Stones Academy in Ghana, saying that they have just gotten the letters. The kids were very excited and he sent me a couple of pictures that I think you will love to see!
Here they are!

Morning routines / 5th grade

Watch this exciting video about morning routines !
We did this lesson with two student teachers from Denmark, Lee and Dominique.
They were both strict and kind teachers and we learnt a lot and  had great fun ! 

TYPE 1 DIABETES by Nadia,Nicole and Malen

Sugar and insulin :
When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into sugar.Then the sugar goes into  your blood .Your cells use some of the sugar  for energy .The extra sugar goes to your liver, where it is stored for later.
Your pancreas is under your stomach and it makes a  special chemical called insulin. Insulin lets your cells take sugar from your blood. People with diabetes have to be careful about what they eat, and sometimes they have to check how much sugar is in their blood . Some people also need insulin injections to control the amount of sugar in their blood.

Guide to type 1 diabetes